Day 15: The Other Side

Morning at Newport harbor
Goodbye Newport
Some Newport homes from the water, many with tents for parties!

The Newport Mansions from the water
Fishing boat on Rhode Island Sound
What is this cargo??? Reminds me of how I feel after 2+ weeks of eating and drinking!
Lighthouse on RI Sound
See Cape Cod after just 3 hours
Entering West Bay

Drawbridge goes up
Private home at Oyster harbors

Dock at Oyster Harbors Marina, Osterville, Cap Cod

Then we go shopping...

Even the boys go shopping...

Bill shops for girls...

Anne Armstrong arrives at her house on the Cape from Richmond

Anne's house immediately becomes my laundromat!

Back to the boat for bridge cocktails and Bill's birthday gifts

Cheers to Bill

Ready to go to cocktails & dinner

Sunset on West Bay
This building housed really nice shower and bathrooms.

Then on to the Wianno Club for more cocktails!

The other side of the family (Harrisons)

Wianno dining room

More wine...

Dinner at Five Bays Bistro

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